
be honor-bound to do (something)

To be or feel obliged to do something because it is morally correct or required by one's sense of duty or integrity, even if one does not desire to do so. Primarily heard in US. It pains me to turn you in to the police, my friend, but I am honor-bound to inform them of your actions.

feel honor-bound to do something

To feel obliged to do something because it is morally correct or required by one's sense of duty or integrity, even if one does not desire to do so. Primarily heard in US. It pains me to turn you in to the police, my friend, but I feel honor-bound to inform them of your actions.
See also: feel

honours are even

Both sides are equally matched; the contest is equal or level; neither side has been victorious. Primarily heard in UK. Honours are even going into the third round of this match. At the end of an amazing game, honours are even between these two teams.
See also: even, honour

Scout's honour

An oath that one is being ingenuous or honest, or will uphold a promise or duty. Alludes to the oath taken by a member of the Scouting movement to be upstanding, trustworthy, and honest. Primarily heard in UK. I swear that I'll behave myself at your brother's wedding, Scout's honour! A: "Are you really telling me the truth about what happened to my car?" B: "Scout's honour!"
See also: honour

guest of honor

a guest who gets special attention from everyone; the person for whom a party, celebration, or ceremony is given. Bob is the guest of honor, and many people will make speeches about him. The guest of honor sits at the front of the room on the dais.
See also: guest, honor, of

honor someone as something

to praise someone as something; to praise someone for being something. Aren't you going to honor Kevin as a hero? We will honor Henry as the most promising scholar of the year.
See also: honor

honor someone for something

to praise someone for doing something. The committee agreed to honor Laurel for her role in the benefit dance. I want to honor you for your efforts on behalf of our cause.
See also: honor

honor someone's check

to accept someone's personal check in payment of an obligation. The clerk at the store wouldn't honor my check. I had to pay cash. The bank didn't honor your check when I tried to deposit it. Please give me cash.
See also: check, honor

honor someone with something

to show one's respect for someone with something, such as a gift, party, ceremony, a response, etc. We would like to honor you with a little reception. We chose to honor you with a little gift.
See also: honor

in honor of someone or something

showing respect or admiration for someone or something. Our club gave a party in honor of the club's president. I wrote a poem in honor of John and Mary's marriage.
See also: honor, of

on one's honor

Fig. on one's solemn oath; sincerely. On my honor, I'll be there on time. He promised on his honor that he'd pay me back next week.
See also: honor, on

prophet is not without honor save in his own country

Prov. Everyone recognizes that a wise person is wise, except for the people close to him or her. (Biblical.) No one in the novelist's country would publish her books, but last year she won the Nobel Prize. A prophet is not without honor save in his own country.

put one on one's honor

Fig. to inform one that one is trusted to act honorably, legally, and fairly without supervision. I'll put you on your honor when I have to leave the room during the test. They put us on our honor to take no more than we had paid for.
See also: honor, on, one, put

someone's word of honor

someone's trustworthy pledge or promise. He gave me his word of honor that he would bring the car back by noon today.
See also: honor, of, word

There is honor among thieves.

Prov. Criminals do not commit crimes against each other. The gangster was loyal to his associates and did not tell their names to the police, demonstrating that there is honor among thieves.
See also: among, honor, thief

on your honor

1. without being watched to see if you behave in the right way We ask people, on their honor, to avoid leaving garbage at the campsite.
2. with a serious promise She swore on her honor that she'd finish the assignment.
See also: honor, on

do the honors

to perform social duties at an event Jerry, I need to go into the kitchen for a moment, so why don't you do the honors and get Carol a drink?
Usage notes: usually said about serving food and drinks or greeting and introducing guests
See also: honor

be/feel honour-bound to do something

  (British & Australian) also be/feel honor-bound to do something (American & Australian)
to feel that you must do something because it is morally right, even if you do not want to do it I'd rather go to Andrew's party but I feel honour-bound to go to Caroline's because she asked me first.

do the honours

  (British & Australian humorous) also do the honors (American & Australian)
to pour drinks or serve food 'Let's eat. Shall I do the honours?'
See also: honour

do the honors

Act as a host or hostess, performing introductions and otherwise attending to guests. For example, At home Mary leaves it to Bill to do the honors when they have guests. This expression uses honors in the sense of "courtesy." [Mid-1600s]
See also: honor

honor bound

Obliged by one's personal integrity, as in She was honor bound to admit that it was her work and not her sister's. Also see on one's honor.
See also: bound, honor

in honor of

In celebration of, as a mark of respect for, as in We are holding a banquet in honor of the president. [c. 1300]
See also: honor, of

on one's honor

Entrusted to behave honorably and honestly without supervision. For example, The students were on their honor not to consult notes during the exam. Originally alluding to a solemn oath, this idiom dates from the mid-1400s.
See also: honor, on

word of honor

A pledge of one's good faith, as in On his word of honor he assured us that he was telling the truth. [Early 1800s]
See also: honor, of, word

honor bound

Under an obligation enforced by the personal integrity of the one obliged: I was honor bound to admit that she had done the work.
See also: bound, honor

on (one's) honor

Under an obligation enforced by the personal integrity of the one obliged.
See also: honor, on

Common Names:

Crispinus-Ancient Roman
ÚRsulaOOR-soo-lə (Portuguese), OOR-soo-lah (Spanish)Portuguese, Spanish
Laurentina-Ancient Roman