
hot up

1. To increase in heat; to heat up (something). Primarily heard in UK. I'm just waiting for this stew to hot up, and then we'll be ready to eat! I'm sorry about that, sir, would you like me to hot up that steak for you?
2. To make or become more intense, interesting, or exciting. Primarily heard in UK. The election campaigns for the local MP are really hotting up. I feel like my relationship with Darren is really beginning to hot up.
See also: hot, up

have the hots for someone

Sl. to be sexually aroused by someone. Perry has the hots for Earline.
See also: have, hots

have the hots for somebody

to be strongly sexually attracted to someone He's got the hots for that new girl Libby.
Usage notes: sometimes used in a humorous way that is not sexual: Consumers have the hots for DSL Internet connections.
See also: have, hots

to have the hots for somebody

  (very informal)
to be strongly sexually attracted to someone He's had the hots for Sue ever since he first met her.
See also: have, hots

have hot pants (for someone)

and have the hots (for someone)
tv. to be sexually aroused over someone in particular; to lust after someone. (Also with got as in the examples.) She really has hot pants for him. Yup, she’s got the hots, all right.
See also: have, hot, pant

have the hots for someone

See also: have, hots

have the hots

See also: have, hots

Common Names:

Alexusə-LEK-səsEnglish (Modern)
Mirna-Croatian, Serbian
Aina (1)IE-nah (Finnish, Swedish) Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish