
drop in the bucket

A tiny amount, especially when compared to a much larger one. I'm glad Tony started repaying the money he borrowed from me, but the five dollars he gave me yesterday is just a drop in the bucket compared to what he still owes.
See also: bucket, drop

drop in the ocean

A tiny amount, especially when compared to a much larger one. I'm glad Tony started repaying the money he borrowed from me, but the five dollars he gave me yesterday is just a drop in the ocean compared to what he still owes.
See also: drop, ocean

drop in the bucket

 and a drop in the ocean
Fig. an in significant contribution toward solving a large problem. Jane: We need to stop spending so much. Alan: OK. I'll buy a cheaper brand of toothpaste. Jane: But that's just a drop in the bucket. Many companies donated food and medicine to help the survivors of the earthquake, but it was just a drop in the ocean of what was needed.
See also: bucket, drop

oceans of someone or something

 and an ocean of someone or something
a very large amount of something. The naughty student was in oceans of trouble. After a week of vacation, there was an ocean of work to do.
See also: ocean, of

a drop in the ocean

  (British, American & Australian) also a drop in the bucket (American)
a very small amount in comparison to the amount that is needed A hundred thousand may seem a lot but it's a drop in the ocean compared to the millions that need to be spent.
See also: drop, ocean

drop in the bucket

A very small quantity, especially one that is too small. For example, These contributions are just a drop in the bucket; the new church wing will cost thousands more . John Wycliffe's followers used this seemingly modern phrase in their translation of the Bible (1382), and it also appears in the 1611 King James version (Isaiah 40:15): "Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance."
See also: bucket, drop

boil the ocean

tv. to waste one’s time attempting to do the impossible. (see also plowing water.) You’re wasting my time. You might as well be boiling the ocean.
See also: boil, ocean

drop in the bucket

A small, inadequate quantity.
See also: bucket, drop

spit in the ocean

An inconsequential amount. The image is a single expelled moist mouthful being nothing compared to the entirely watery content of the Atlantic or Pacific. A similar phrase is “a drop in the bucket.”
See also: ocean, spit

Common Names:

Yair-Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew