
*old warhorse

a performance piece that is performed often. (*Typically: be ~; become ~; perform ~; play ~.) The symphony orchestra played a few old warhorses and then some ghastly contemporary stuff that will never again see the light of day.
See also: old, warhorse

perform something on someone or something

to do something to someone or something; to carry out a procedure on someone or something. The surgeon performed a simple office procedure on the patient. Do you expect me to perform magic on this problem?
See also: on, perform

perform/work miracles

to be extremely effective in improving a situation Di's worked miracles in the kitchen - I've never seen it look so clean. These days plastic surgeons can perform miracles.
See also: miracle, perform

Common Names:

Conlaoch-Irish Mythology
AnjaAHN-yah (Swedish, Finnish, Croatian, Serbian, German)Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Slovene, Croatian, Serbian, German, Dutch