
sexual relations

Sexual intercourse or activity between two or more people. As there was no hard evidence that sexual relations occurred outside of marriage, the judge was obliged to uphold the prenuptial agreement during the divorce proceedings. I hear Jim got fired for having sexual relations with his secretary.
See also: relation, sexual

have (sexual) relations (with someone)

To engage in sexual intercourse or activity (with someone); to have or be in a sexual relationship (with someone). As there was no hard evidence that Mr. Smith's ex-wife had sexual relations outside of marriage, the judge was obliged to uphold the prenuptial agreement during the divorce proceedings. I hear Jim got fired for having relations with his secretary.
See also: have, relation

with relation to

Regarding or related to. The phrase highlights the relationship between multiple things. I think that we should write up another report, with relation to this one, so that we have a full picture of the budget for next year. With relation to your vacation request, I'm sorry, but we can't grant it while we have three people out on leave.
See also: relation

poor relation

A less desirable substitute for the genuine item. The cheap motorcycle jacket I bought is nice, but it is a poor relation of actual leather.
See also: poor, relation

have intimate relations with someone

Euph. to have sex with someone. I understand that Jim once had intimate relations with Sarah. Rumor has it that she has had intimate relations with someone other than her husband.
See also: have, intimate, relation

have relations with someone

Euph. to have sexual relations with someone. While engaged to Mary, he was having relations with at least two other women. She was having relations with one of her employees, which was strictly against policy.
See also: have, relation

in relation to someone or something

relating to someone or something; in connection with someone or something. I mention this fact in relation to your proposed trip. Let's discuss Bill in relation to his future with this company.
See also: relation

relative to someone or something

1. concerning someone or something. I have something to say relative to Bill. Do you have any information relative to the situation in South America?
2. in proportion to someone or something. My happiness is relative to yours. I can spend an amount of money relative to the amount of money I earn.

in relation to something

1. compared with something She checked the map to see where Miami is in relation to Orlando.
2. (slightly formal) and how that connects to something This is a report about the effects of changing weather patterns in relation to farming. Related vocabulary: in connection with something
See also: relation

a poor relation

someone or something that is believed to be less important than another similar person or thing Video, once seen as the poor relation of cinema, is now a major source of revenue for film companies.
See also: poor, relation

poor relation

An inferior member of a group, as in Many regard Turkey as the poor relation in the European alliance. This expression, first recorded in 1720 for a family member in humble circumstances, began to be used figuratively in the mid-1900s.
See also: poor, relation

relative to

Correspondent or proportionate to, as in Relative to its size, Boston has a great many universities, or It's important to get all the facts relative to the collision. Another form of this idiom is in or with relation to , meaning "in reference or with regard to," as in Demand is high in relation to supply, or That argument changes nothing with relation to our plans for hiring workers. The usages with relative date from the second half of the 1700s, those with relation from the late 1500s.

in relation to

In reference to; in connection with: This letter from the bank is in relation to your mortgage.
See also: relation

Common Names:

HadewychHAH-də-veekh, HAH-də-weekhDutch
Kamal (2)-Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Nepali
Benedictusbay-nə-DIK-tus (Dutch)Late Roman, Dutch
BetBET (Limburgish)Frisian, Limburgish