
sexual congress

Sexual intercourse, especially between a man and a woman. As there was no hard evidence that sexual congress occurred outside of marriage, the judge was obliged to uphold the prenuptial agreement during the divorce proceedings.
See also: congress, sexual

sexual relations

Sexual intercourse or activity between two or more people. As there was no hard evidence that sexual relations occurred outside of marriage, the judge was obliged to uphold the prenuptial agreement during the divorce proceedings. I hear Jim got fired for having sexual relations with his secretary.
See also: relation, sexual

have (sexual) relations (with someone)

To engage in sexual intercourse or activity (with someone); to have or be in a sexual relationship (with someone). As there was no hard evidence that Mr. Smith's ex-wife had sexual relations outside of marriage, the judge was obliged to uphold the prenuptial agreement during the divorce proceedings. I hear Jim got fired for having relations with his secretary.
See also: have, relation

sexual minority

A phrase said of one whose sexual orientation is not completely heterosexual. It is typically used as an adjective (i.e. "sexual minority males"). When I worked in the counseling center, many of my patients were sexual minority teenagers.
See also: sexual

sexual tension

A tension, awkwardness, or underlying unease in the relationship of two people resulting from a strong mutual sexual attraction between them that has not been consummated. Just ask Chuck out already—I'm sick of being around you two and witnessing all your sexual tension. I can just feel the sexual tension every time Matt and I are together.
See also: sexual

Common Names:

JaymesJAYMZEnglish (Modern)