
Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies.

Prov. If you have a seemingly insurmountable problem, you must do things you ordinarily would not do in order to solve it. Fred: All my employees have been surly and morose for months. How can I improve their morale? Alan: Why not give everyone a raise? Fred: That's a pretty extreme suggestion. Alan: Yes, but desperate diseases must have desperate remedies.

There is a remedy for everything except death.

Prov. Everything but death can be cured.; As long as you are alive, your problems can somehow be solved. Bill: I'll never recover from losing Nancy. Fred: Nonsense. There is a remedy for everything except death. Whenever Linda despaired, she sternly reminded herself that there is a remedy for everything except death.

Common Names:

Prosperpro-SPER (French), PRAHS-pər (English)French, English
LeiaLAY-a (Popular Culture)Biblical Greek, Popular Culture