

(used as a modifier before a noun) Of or characterized by generating a large sum of money quickly and (typically) without requiring much effort or energy. Jenny's always coming up with some get-rich-quick scheme to lift us out of this dinky little town. Always be wary of anyone who tries to sell you some get-rich-quick idea—usually the only person getting rich is the salesman.

rich seam

A multifaceted topic that provides a lot of interesting material for discussion or writing. Judy's childhood experiences were a rich seam for her as she wrote her first novel.
See also: rich, seam

be (all) part of life's rich pageant

A phrase that encourages acceptance of the unenjoyable things that happen in life. Nobody likes dealing with car problems, but they're just part of life's rich pageant, unfortunately. The tantrums of toddlerhood are all part of life's rich pageant.
See also: of, pageant, part, rich

be (all) part of life's rich tapestry

A phrase that encourages acceptance of the unenjoyable things that happen in life. Nobody likes dealing with car problems, but they're just part of life's rich tapestry, unfortunately. The tantrums of toddlerhood are all part of life's rich tapestry.
See also: of, part, rich, tapestry

filthy lucre

money. I sure could use a little of that filthy lucre. I don't want to touch any of your filthy lucre.
See also: filthy

filthy rich

1. Fig. very wealthy. I wouldn't mind being filthy rich. There are too many filthy rich people now.
2. Fig. people who are very wealthy. The filthy rich can afford that kind of thing, but I can't. I sort of feel sorry for the filthy rich.
See also: filthy, rich

It is better to be born lucky than rich.

Prov. If you are born rich, you may lose your money, but if you are born lucky, you will always get what you need or want just by chance. Maybe your family doesn't have a lot of money, but you are lucky, you know. And it's better to be born lucky than rich.
See also: better, born, lucky, rich

one law for the rich and another for the poor

Prov. Rich people are sometimes able to escape without punishment when they commit crimes, while poor people are usually punished. It doesn't seem fair—rich people can avoid paying their taxes and not get in trouble, but poor people are always punished if they don't pay. We shouldn't have one law for the rich and another for the poor.
See also: and, another, law, one, poor, rich

rich in something

having valuable resources, characteristics, traditions, or history. The entire region is rich in historical churches. Our soil is rich in important nutrients.
See also: rich

rich man's joke is always funny

Prov. Everyone wants to curry favor with rich people and so will always laugh at their jokes. (From a poem by Thomas Edward Brown.) We all thought that Mr. Lisle was a narrow-minded, unpleasant old man, but we were careful to act otherwise, because he was wealthy. A rich man's joke is always funny.
See also: always, funny, joke, rich

rich with something

having a lot of something; abundant in something. The beautiful book was rich with color illustrations. The old town was rich with elegant Victorian houses.
See also: rich

stinking rich

Fig. very rich. I'd like to be stinking rich for the rest of my life. Tiffany is stinking rich, and she acts like it.
See also: rich, stinking

strike it rich

to acquire wealth suddenly. If I could strike it rich, I wouldn't have to work anymore. Sally ordered a dozen oysters and found a huge pearl in one of them. She struck it rich!
See also: rich, strike

too rich for someone's blood

1. too expensive for one's budget. This hotel is too rich for my blood. Europe is getting too rich for our blood.
2. too high in fat content for one's diet. This dessert is too rich for my blood. Most ice cream is too rich for my blood.
See also: blood, rich

strike it rich

to become suddenly and unexpectedly rich or successful Many immigrants dream of striking it rich in America.
Etymology: based on literal meaning of strike it rich ( to find gold in the ground)
See also: rich, strike

be (all) part of life's rich pageant/tapestry

if you say that a bad or difficult experience is all part of life's rich tapestry, you mean that you must accept it because it is a part of life that cannot be avoided
Usage notes: A tapestry is a piece of cloth with a picture in it that usually represents a story.
Having kids certainly causes problems, but that's all part of life's rich tapestry.
See also: of, pageant, part, rich

a rich seam

a subject which provides a lot of opportunities for people to discuss, write about or make jokes about (often + of ) Both wars have provided a rich seam of drama for playwrights and novelists alike. His second novel mines the same rich seam of mother-son relations.
See also: rich, seam

filthy/stinking rich

extremely rich Most of us are stinking rich compared to the average citizen in the Third World. Palm Beach has the highest concentration of filthy rich folk in the world.
See also: filthy, rich

That's (a bit) rich!

something that you say when someone criticizes you to show that you do not think they are being fair because they are as bad as you I'm greedy? That's a bit rich, coming from you!
See strike it rich

strike it rich

to suddenly become rich He struck it rich in the oil business.
See also: rich, strike

filthy lucre

Money; originally, money obtained dishonestly. For example, She didn't like the job but loved the filthy lucre in the form of her weekly paycheck. This term comes from the Bible (Titus 1:11), where it refers to those who teach wrongly for the sake of money. In time it came to be used loosely, and usually jokingly, for money in general, and in the mid-1900s gave rise to the jocular slang term the filthy for "money." Although both versions may be dying out, the expression filthy rich, for "extremely wealthy," survives.
See also: filthy

rich as Croesus

Very wealthy, as in They're rich as Croesus, with their penthouse, yacht, and horses. This term alludes to Croesus, the legendary King of Lydia and supposedly the richest man on earth. The simile was first recorded in English in 1577.
See also: Croesus, rich

strike it rich

Also, strike oil or strike it lucky. Experience sudden financial success, as in He never dreamed that he'd strike it rich this soon, or They really struck oil with that investment, or One of these days we'll strike it lucky. The first of these idioms originated in mining, where it referred to finding a rich mineral deposit. [Colloquial; second half of 1800s]
See also: rich, strike

filthy lucre

n. money. I sure could use a little of that filthy lucre.
See also: filthy

filthy rich

1. mod. very wealthy. I wouldn’t mind being filthy rich.
2. n. people who are very wealthy. The filthy rich can afford that kind of thing, but I can’t.
See also: filthy, rich

stinking rich

mod. very rich. I’d like to be stinking rich for the rest of my life.
See also: rich, stinking

strike it rich

tv. to become rich suddenly. Pete is the kind of guy who wants to strike it rich and live in the lap of luxury for the rest of his life.
See also: rich, strike

too rich for someone’s blood

1. mod. too expensive for one’s budget. Europe is getting too rich for our blood.
2. mod. too high in fat content for one’s diet. Most ice cream is too rich for my blood.
See also: blood, rich

strike it rich

To have sudden financial success.
See also: rich, strike

poor little rich girl

Unhappy heiress. In contrast to Job's turkey, the subject of this phrase wants for nothing—except emotional support. The original “poor little rich girl” was socialite Barbara Hutton, heiress to the Woolworth (“Five and Dime” stores) and E. F. Hutton investment banking fortunes. She had a lonely childhood, seven failed— and in many cases, exploitive—marriages, and died a broken (and nearly broke) woman at age sixty-six. The phrase has been applied to other women whose lives were sad in spite (or perhaps because of inherited wealth).
See also: girl, little, poor, rich

rich beyond the dream of avarice

Wealthy beyond imagination. “Avarice” means “greedy,” so to be rich beyond the dream of avarice is to have more money than even a Scrooge McDuck or Charles Montgomery Burns nocturnal fantasy. The phrase can be traced back to two 18th-century writers, the redoubtable Samuel Johnson and the lesser-known Edward Moore.
See also: beyond, dream, of, rich

Common Names:

CristenKRIS-tənEnglish (Modern)
OswaldAHZ-wawld (English), AWS-vahlt (German)English, German, Anglo-Saxon