
be ripe for the picking

To be in an ideal position or at the perfect stage to be utilized, benefited or profited from, taken advantage of, exploited, etc. (Alludes to fruit being at the right stage to be harvested.) Assert our brand early and aggressively enough, and this new market will be ripe for the picking. I heard that massive company just dropped their current PR team—that contract is ripe for the picking! This land is ripe for the picking if we can get the locals to sign over the rights to it.
See also: picking, ripe

Early ripe, early rotten,

 and Soon ripe, soon rotten.
Prov. A child with extraordinary talent or intelligence will probably lose those qualities by the time he or she grows up. Jill: Philip was such a fine young boy; I'm surprised he's become such a good-for-nothing adult. Jane: Early ripe, early rotten. Jane: You must be very proud of your little boy. He seems so mature for his age. Ellen: I'm afraid it won't last. You know what they say: "Soon ripe, soon rotten."
See also: early, rotten

ripe old age

a very old age. Mr. Smith died last night, but he lived to a ripe old age—99. All the Smiths seem to reach a ripe old age.
See also: age, old, ripe

time is ripe

Prov. It is the most favorable time to do something. You ought to buy a house this year. Prices are so low, and you have enough money saved for a down payment. The time is ripe. Since Joe was in a good mood, I judged that the time was ripe to ask him for the favor I needed.
See also: ripe, time

when the time is ripe

Fig. at exactly the right time. I'll tell her the good news when the time is ripe. When the time is ripe, I'll bring up the subject again.
See also: ripe, time

ripe for something

ready for something to happen She thinks the whole unemployment insurance system is ripe for an overhaul. Nobody was sure if the television audience was ripe for something different. Kinshasa is a city ripe for change.
See also: ripe

the time is ripe

the conditions are very good I think the time is ripe to look for a larger house.
See also: ripe, time

live to a ripe old age

to live until you are very old Both his grandparents lived to a ripe old age.
See also: age, live, old, ripe

the time is ripe

if the time is ripe for something, it is a good time to do it or for it to happen (often + for ) British socialists were convinced that the time was ripe for fundamental social change. (often + to do sth) Many employers feel the time is ripe to give workforces a bigger share of the profits they have helped to create.
See also: ripe, time

ripe old age

An age advanced in years, as in I expect to live to a ripe old age. The adjective ripe here means "fully developed physically and mentally," but the current use of the idiom usually just signifies a long lifespan. [Second half of 1300s]
See also: age, old, ripe

time is ripe

This is the right moment for something, as in The time is ripe for a revival of that play. Shakespeare used this term (and may have originated it) in 1 Henry IV (1:3): "Letters shall direct your course when time is ripe."
See also: ripe, time


1. mod. alcohol intoxicated. Yes, they were ripe all right. Stinking drunk.
2. mod. foul; smelly. Whooey! This place is ripe. What died?
3. mod. crude; raunchy. Your jokes are a bit ripe.

Common Names:

Davena-English (Rare)
DanaË-Greek Mythology
ÍRis-Portuguese, Icelandic