
eye sex

An act in which two people exchange looks indicating intense mutual sexual desires or attraction. I kept having eye sex with this guy across the bar, but he left before I had a chance to talk to him.
See also: eye, sex

sex on a stick

vulgar slang An extremely sexually attractive person. Well, he's not exactly sex on a stick, but he's a kind, decent, and funny man, and he knows how to treat me right.
See also: on, sex, stick

sex on legs

vulgar slang An extremely sexually attractive person. Well, he's not exactly sex on legs, but he's a kind, decent, and funny man, and he knows how to treat me right.
See also: leg, on, sex

the sex talk

An informal lecture or conversation about reproduction and sexual intercourse, especially as given by parents to their children. I know it can be embarrassing and awkward having the sex talk with your kids, but it's important for them to know that they can come to you if they have any questions or concerns about sex as they enter puberty.
See also: sex, talk

have sex

To have sexual intercourse with someone. A: "Did you have sex last night?" B: "Well that's a personal question!"
See also: have, sex

sex kitten

A physically and sexually attractive young woman. With some new clothes and makeup, I bet she would be quite a sex kitten.
See also: kitten, sex

sex object

One who is valued or regarded as a source of sexual pleasure. She was tired of being treated like a sex object, so she began dressing more conservatively and demanded more respect from the men within her social circle.
See also: object, sex

sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll

A phrase used to indicate a wild, hedonistic lifestyle. Being a touring muscian is not as exciting as it seems—it's definitely not all sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll.
See also: and, rock, roll

opposite sex

the other sex; (from the point of view of a female) males; (from the point of view of a male) females. (Also with member of, as in the example.) Ann is crazy about the opposite sex. Bill is very shy when he's introduced to the opposite sex. Do members of the opposite sex make you nervous?
See also: opposite, sex

the battle of the sexes

the disagreements and fight for power that exist between men and women So has equality brought an end to the battle of the sexes?
See a battle of nerves
See also: battle, of, sex

better than sex

extremely enjoyable or exciting To me, nothing compares with the thrill of surfing - it's better than sex.
See also: better, sex

the fair/fairer sex

Usage notes: Some women think this phrase is offensive.
My father hated the idea of me joining the army. He always said it wasn't a suitable occupation for the fair sex.
See also: fair, sex

a sex kitten

a young woman who is sexually exciting or attractive
Usage notes: Some women think this phrase is offensive.
All she needs to do is untie her hair and remove her spectacles and she's transformed into a gorgeous sex kitten.
See also: kitten, sex

a sex object

if someone thinks of a person as a sex object, they only think about having sex with them and do not think about their character or abilities How on earth can you feel anything for a man who just treats you as a sex object?
See also: object, sex

fair sex

Girls or women, as in Many women would object to being called the fair sex nowadays. This euphemism uses fair in the sense of "physically beautiful" and is probably dying out. [Mid-1600s]
See also: fair, sex

sex up

1. To increase the sexual appeal or content of someone or something: The producer sexed up the music video with scantily clad dancers. Because the club was bland, the owners decided to sex it up.
2. Chiefly British Slang To increase the appeal or attractiveness of something; embellish something: The committee sexed up the report with suggestions of conspiracy. Our website is boring—what if we sex it up with funky icons?
3. Vulgar Slang To arouse someone sexually.
See also: sex, up

sex goddess

n. a sexy-looking female movie or television star. I wonder what these sex goddesses look like when they get up in the morning.
See also: goddess, sex

sex kitten

n. a woman with enormous sexual potential. He thought he was getting a sex kitten, but she turned out to be just a plain cat.
See also: kitten, sex

sex pot

n. one who flaunts one’s sexuality, usually a woman. About 20,000 young sex pots hit Hollywood every year hoping to be discovered.
See also: pot, sex


n. a sexually promising person; a person obsessed with sex. Heidi looks like such a sex-machine, but she is a real wallflower.

Common Names:

Bogumil-Medieval Slavic
Miloslava-Czech, Medieval Slavic