
all sizzle and no steak

Disappointing or anticlimactic. Having an exciting, promising, important, or aggrandizing buildup that proves to be unwarranted. Everyone is in a panic over the supposed water shortages, but personally I think the whole thing is all sizzle and no steak. The film had a lot of hype before its release, but after seeing it, I think it's all sizzle and no steak.
See also: all, and, sizzle, steak

bake the tube steak

tv. to copulate. Bobby was set to bake the tube steak last night, but he failed to preheat the oven.
See also: bake, steak, tube

pimp steak

n. a hot dog; a wiener. (see also tube steak.) Oh, no! Not pimp steak again tonight.
See also: pimp, steak

tube steak

1. n. a frankfurter or a wiener. (see also pimp steak.) I could live on tube steak. Nothing is better!
2. and tube steak of love n. the penis. She laughed so hard when he said “tube steak of love,” that he lost interest, so to speak. His tube steak was reminding him that it was time to get up.
See also: steak, tube

tube steak of love

See also: love, of, steak, tube

tube steak

A humorous (and sometimes pretentious) name for a plain ol' hot dog.
See also: steak, tube

Common Names:
