
cloud of suspicion

A general sentiment of suspicion of wrongdoing or illegality. There's a cloud of suspicion in work after it came to light that someone has been stealing from the cash registers.
See also: cloud, of, suspicion

have a sneaking suspicion

To have a slight but persistent premonition or intuition (about something). Jimmy said he'd never be back, but I have a sneaking suspicion we'll see him again sooner or later.
See also: have, suspicion

above suspicion

Not suspected of any wrongdoing or crime. Because everyone thought he was such a good citizen, he remained above suspicion after the robbery.
See also: above, suspicion

*above suspicion

[for one] to be honest enough that no one would suspect one; in a position where one could not be suspected. (This is a translation of words attributed to Julius Caesar, who divorced his wife, Pompeia, on the grounds of her possible involvement in a public scandal; Caesar stated, "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion.") (*Typically: be ~; keep oneself ~; remain ~.) The general is a fine old man, completely above suspicion.
See also: above, suspicion

Caesar's wife must be above suspicion.

Prov. The associates of public figures must not even be suspected of wrongdoing. (The ancient Roman Julius Caesar is supposed to have said this when asked why he divorced his wife, Pompeia. Because she was suspected of some wrongdoing, he could not associate with her anymore.) Jill: I don't think the mayor is trustworthy; his brother was charged with embezzlement. Jane: But the charges were never proved. Jill: That doesn't matter. Caesar's wife must be above suspicion. When the newspapers reported the rumor that the lieutenant governor had failed to pay his taxes, the governor forced him to resign, saying, "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion."
See also: above, must, suspicion, wife

above suspicion

not believed to have done anything wrong The fact that you were once famous doesn't mean you're above suspicion.
See also: above, suspicion

above suspicion

So trustworthy as never to be suspected of wrongdoing, as in "The wife of Caesar must be above suspicion" (Charles Merivale, A History of the Romans under the Empire, 1850). The phrase was given further currency when it was used for the title of a very popular World War II spy film starring Joan Crawford ( Above Suspicion, 1943). A similar idiom using above in the sense of "beyond" is above the law, usually describing an individual or business behaving as though exempt from rules or laws that apply to others.
See also: above, suspicion

Common Names:

PhineasFIN-ee-əs (English)Biblical
JothamJO-thəm (English)Biblical
Atem-Egyptian Mythology