play phone tag
To engage in a series of telephone calls with another person in which each time one party calls, the other is not available to answer. Hi Mary, just leaving you another message. We've been playing a bit of phone tag today, huh? Just give me a call back whenever you get this, thanks!
phone tag
A series of telephone calls made between two people in which each time one party calls, the other is not available to answer. Hi Mary, just leaving you another message. We've had a bit of phone tag today, huh? Just give me a call back whenever you get this, thanks!
play telephone tag
To engage in a series of telephone calls with another person in which each time one party calls, the other is not available to answer. Hi Mary, just leaving you another message. We've been playing a bit of telephone tag today, huh? Just give me a call back whenever you get this, thanks!
telephone tag
A series of telephone calls made between two people in which each time one party calls, the other is not available to answer. Hi Mary, just leaving you another message. We've had a bit of telephone tag today, huh? Just give me a call back whenever you get this, thanks!
tag and rag
The lowest social class; the common people. You must be joking—a person of my social status can't eat with the tag and rag at a fast food place!
tag team
1. noun A team of two wrestlers who take turns competing against an opposing pair of wrestlers. The two teammates touch hands when one player leaves the ring, so that the other can "tag in." A tag team is only as strong as its weakest member.
2. noun Two people working in cooperation. Now that we're a tag team, I think we'll get through this project a lot faster.
3. verb To work in cooperation with another person. Let's tag team to get this project done.
1. n. a name. Everybody knows that tag well.
2. n. euphoria from drug use; a drug rush. The tag from this mojo is something to behold.
3. n. a car license plate or sticker. Don’t forget to get a new tag for this year.
4. n. a blow to the body in boxing. Wilbur landed another tag to the right shoulder before the gong sounded.
5. tv. to punch someone in boxing. The guy tagged him back right in the gut.
6. tv. (in baseball) to touch a runner with the baseball. Wilbur tagged the runner and fell flat on his face.
7. n. the coda or ending section of a piece of music. Now, I want everybody to slow down and watch me on the tag.
8. tv. to charge someone with a crime; to identify and arrest a criminal. The cop tagged him with the bank caper immediately.
9. tv. to mark something with spray paint; to paint something with graffiti. Our guys tagged the school walls last night.
10. n. the painted signature of a graffiti artist. Jeb puts somebody else’s tag on his worst work.
toe tag
tv. to kill someone. (Bodies in the morgue are identified by tags on their big toes.) Man, you treat me that way one more time and I’m gonna toe tag you!