
Banbury tale

A story that does not make sense or which rambles circuitously without apparent end. The old sailor, after several glasses of whiskey too many, began to tell some rambling Banbury tale, which none of us were able to decipher.
See also: Banbury, tale

old wives' tale

A now-debunked story or idea that was once believed, often superstitiously. How can you believe in that old wives' tale? Oh, that's just an old wives' tale! A broken mirror does not guarantee seven years' bad luck.
See also: old, tale

fish story

 and fish tale
Fig. a great big lie. (Like a fisherman who exaggerates the size of the fish that got away.) That's just a fish story. Don't try to fool me. He's a master at the fish tale. Maybe he should be a politician.
See also: fish, story

old wives' tale

Fig. a myth or superstition. You really don't believe that stuff about starving a cold do you? It's just an old wives' tale.
See also: old, tale

tale never loses in the telling

Prov. When people tell stories, they tend to exaggerate. Johnny's bicycle accident tale never loses in the telling; he convinced his friends that four semi trucks had been involved, when in fact he only ran into one parked car.
See also: lose, never, tale, telling

tale of woe

a sad story; a list of personal problems; an excuse for failing to do something. I listened to her tale of woe without saying anything. This tale of woe that we have all been getting from Kelly is just too much.
See also: of, tale, woe

tell its own story

 and tell its own tale
Fig. [for the state of something] to indicate clearly what has happened. The upturned boat told its own tale. The fisherman had drowned. The girl's tear-stained face told its own story.
See also: own, story, tell

thereby hangs a tale

there is an interesting story connected with this matter. Yes, she comes in late most mornings, and thereby hangs a tale. She has a drinking problem.
See also: hang, tale

Thereby/Therein hangs a tale.

  (British & Australian humorous)
something that you say when you have been asked about something that needs a long explanation 'So what were you doing in Nick's garage at three o'clock in the morning?' 'Ah, thereby hangs a tale.'
See also: hang, tale

live to tell the tale

to still be alive after a dangerous or frightening experience I should imagine very few people have fallen from that height and lived to tell the tale. I had dinner with her and lived to tell the tale.
See also: live, tale, tell

an old wives' tale

a piece of advice or an idea which a lot of people believed in the past but which we now know is wrong It's an old wives' tale that drinking alcohol before you go to bed helps you sleep.
See also: old, tale

a tall story/tale

a story or a statement that is difficult to believe because it is too exciting or interesting He told me a tall story about having met some top models in a nightclub.
See also: story, tall

tell its own tale

  (British & Australian)
if something tells its own tale, it shows the truth about a situation She may smile in public, but the expression in her eyes tells its own tale.
See also: own, tale, tell

tell tales

to tell someone in authority about something bad that someone has done because you want to cause trouble for them (often + about ) She wasn't very popular at school - she was the sort of kid who was always telling tales about other kids. I had half a mind to tell my boss about him but I didn't want her to think I was telling tales.
See can't tell arse from elbow, live to tell the tale
See also: tales, tell

fish story

An improbable, boastful tale, as in He came up with some fish story about his winnings at the track. This expression alludes to the tendency of fishermen to exaggerate the size of their catch. [Early 1800s]
See also: fish, story

old wives' tale

A superstition, as in Toads cause warts? That's an old wives' tale. This expression was already known in ancient Greece, and a version in English was recorded in 1387. Despite invoking bigoted stereotypes of women and old people, it survives.
See also: old, tale

tall tale

A fanciful or greatly exaggerated story, as in Some youngsters love tall tales about creatures from outer space coming to earth. This idiom uses tall in the sense of "exaggerated." [Mid-1800s]
See also: tale, tall

tell tales

Divulge secrets, as in Don't trust him; he's apt to tell tales. This expression was first recorded about 1350. A variant, tell tales out of school, first recorded in 1530, presumably alluded to schoolchildren gossiping but was soon broadened to revealing secret or private information. Both may be obsolescent.
See also: tales, tell

thereby hangs a tale

That detail or incident reminds one of another story, as in So he went without supper, but thereby hangs a tale. This expression, embodying the pun on tail and tale, was used by Shakespeare in at least four of his plays and presumably was well known before that. [1500s]
See also: hang, tale

fairy tale

and bedtime story
n. a simplistic and condescending explanation for something; a lie. I don’t want to hear a fairy tale, just the facts, ma’am. I’ve already heard your little bedtime story. You’ll have to do better than that!
See also: fairy, tale

fish story

and fish tale
n. a great big lie. (Like the fisherman who exaggerates the size of the fish that got away.) All we got was a fish story about his luck with the girls. What a liar! He’s a master at the fish tale. Maybe he should be a politician.
See also: fish, story

fish tale

See also: fish, tale

tale of woe

n. a sad story; a list of personal problems; an excuse for failing to do something. I listened to her tale of woe without saying anything.
See also: of, tale, woe

Common Names:

Caj-Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
Tom (1)TAHM (English), TAWM (Dutch)English, Dutch
Bedivere-Welsh Mythology, Arthurian Romance
Bartholomaios-Biblical Greek