
in the circumstances

Due to the conditions or particular situation; such as the case is. Of course we wish that we could pay each employee a proper Christmas bonus, but in the circumstances, that is just not feasible. I'm sorry for my sudden resignation, but I'm afraid that, in the circumstances, I just can't work here any longer.
See also: circumstance

along those lines

Similar to something else. I really liked the cake we had at your birthday party; I want to get something along those lines for mine. Did you see the princess's wedding gown? I want a style along those lines for my own wedding.
See also: line, those

along those lines

 and along these lines; along similar lines
similarly; in nearly the same way. We will deal with the other students along similar lines.
See also: line, those

between you (and) me and the bedpost

 and between you and me and these four walls
Fig. a somewhat affected way of signaling that you are about to tell a secret. Alan: What's wrong with Ellen these days? She seems so touchy. Jane: Between you and me and the bedpost, I've heard that her boyfriend is seeing someone else. Jill: How much did you get for your used car? Jane: Wellbetween you and me and these four walls—five thousand dollars.
See also: and, bedpost

in these parts

Rur. around here; in this area. There aren't any big hospitals in these parts. Joe's the richest man in these parts.
See also: part, these

one of these days

someday; in some situation like this one. One of these days, someone is going to steal your purse if you don't take better care of it. You're going to get in trouble one of these days.
See also: days, of, one, these

One of these days is none of these days.

Prov. If you say you will do something "one of these days," you probably do not seriously intend to do it, and therefore it will not get done. Alan: When are you going to fix the garage door? Jane: One of these days. Alan: One of these days is none of these days. Jill: One of these days, I'll pay you the money I owe you. Jane: One of these days is none of these days.
See also: days, none, of, one, these

under the circumstances

Fig. in a particular situation; because of the circumstances. I'm sorry to hear that you're ill. Under the circumstances, you may take the day off. We won't expect you to come to work for a few days, under the circumstances.
See also: circumstance

under the circumstances

also under these circumstances
because of the particular situation Going to see the scene of the explosion was, under the circumstances, a really stupid thing to do. The storm was very dangerous, so under the circumstances I think we were lucky to have had only one tree blown down.
Usage notes: also used in the form under those circumstances: There is an ongoing investigation, and under those circumstances, it wouldn't be right for me to comment.
See also: circumstance

along those lines

also along these lines
1. of a similar quality or type I want to buy an SUV or something along those lines.
2. in this way What evidence do we have that Adams is willing to sign an agreement along these lines?
See also: line, those

one of these days

Also, one day; some day. On some day in the future, as in One of these days I'm going to clean out my desk, or One day you'll see what it's like to have your child insult you, or They hoped to buy a brand-new car some day. [Mid-1500s] Also see one of those days.
See also: days, of, one, these

under the circumstances

Also, in the circumstances. Given these conditions, such being the case, as in Under the circumstances we can't leave Mary out. This idiom uses circumstance in the sense of "a particular situation," a usage dating from the late 1300s. It may also be modified in various ways, such as under any circumstances meaning "no matter what the situation," as in We'll phone her under any circumstances; under no circumstances, meaning "in no case, never," as in Under no circumstances may you smoke; under any other circumstances, meaning "in a different situation," as in I can't work under any other circumstances; and under the same circumstances, meaning "given the same situation," as in Under the same circumstances anyone would have done the same.
See also: circumstance

one of these days

See also: days, of, one, these

these days

At present; nowadays.
See also: days, these

Common Names:

Nymphodora-Ancient Greek
ThaddeusTHAD-ee-əs (English)English, Biblical, Biblical Latin