中文 – 简体
the circumstances
Given these conditions; such being the case.
a camel's nose (under the tent)
appear before
appear under the name (of)
appear under the name of
be six feet under
be snowed under
be taken under the wing of (someone)
be under (someone's) spell
be under (someone's) wing
be under a cloud
be under a microscope
be under feet
be under par
be under the cosh
be under the gun
be under the microscope
be under the pump
be under the spell of (someone)
be under the weather
be under the wing of (someone)
be under thumb
be water under the bridge
been under the weather
belong under
below par
born under a lucky star
bring under
bring under control
brush (something) under the carpet
brush (something) under the mat
brush (something) under the rug
buckle under
bury under
chuck under the chin
collapse under
come under
come under fire
come under the hammer
could talk under water
crack under the strain
creep under
curse (someone or something) under (one's) breath
curse (someone) under (one's) breath
cut the ground from under
cut the ground from under / feet
cut the ground out from under
don't let the grass grow under one's feet
down under
draw a line under
drink under the table
everything but the kitchen sink
everything under the sun
fall under
fall under spell
fall under the spell of (someone)
false colors
file under
fire under
fly under (the/someone's) radar
get (something) under (one's) belt
get feet under the table
get hot under the collar
get out from under (someone or something)
get under
get under skin
get under someone's skin
get under way
give under threat of
go under
go under the hammer
go under the knife
go under the name of
go under the wrecking ball
gone under
groan under
group under
half under
have (someone) under (one's) spell
have (someone) under (one's) thumb
have (someone) under (one's) wing
have (something) under (one's) belt
have a burr under saddle
have bags under eyes
have in spell
hide light under a bushel
hide one's light under a bushel
hide your light under a bushel
hit under the wing
hot under the collar
in dispute
in shadow
in the care of
keep (someone) under (one's) thumb
keep out from under feet
keep under
keep under cover
keep under hat
keep under one's hat
keep under wraps
knock the bottom out of
knock the props out from under
knuckle under
knuckle under to someone/something
labor under an assumption
labor under the delusion of/that
labor under the illusion of/that
lay under
let grass grow under feet
let the grass grow under feet
lie down under
light a fire under
live under
live under the cat's foot
live under the same roof
look under the hood
make (one) hot under the collar
mutter (something) under (one's) breath
not let the grass grow under feet
nothing new under the sun
of age
on pain of
on pain of death
out from under
pass under
pass under the yoke
peek under
peep under
peer under
pin under
place under
plow under
plowed under
provide under
pull the rug (out) from under (someone's) feet
pull the rug from under
pull the rug out from under
pull under
put (one) under
put (someone or something) under a microscope
put (someone) under the cosh
put (someone) under the pump
put a bomb under
put a rocket under
put the skids under
put the skids under someone/something
put under
put under the microscope
reel under
remain under
sag under
sail under false colors
sail under false colours
send under
serve under
sink under
six feet under
slip under the/(someone's) radar
smart under
snow under
snow under with
snowed under
spread under
stagger under
stand from under
stay under
struggle along under
submerge under
suck under
suffer under
sweep (something) under the mat
sweep under the carpet
sweep under the rug
take under advisement
take under wing
There is nothing new under the sun
throw (someone) under the bus
tunnel under
turn under
under (one's) very eyes
under (the/someone's) radar
under a cloud
under a microscope
under a spell
under age
under any circumstances
under arrest
under attack
under belt
under breath
under canvas
under certain circumstances
under consideration
under construction
under control
under cover
under erasure
under false colors
under false pretences
under fire
under foot
under glass
under hat
under heel
under lock and key
under no circumstances
under normal circumstances
under nose
under oath
under one's belt
under one's breath
under one's feet
under one's nose
under one's own steam
under own steam
under pain of
under pain of death
under par
under pressure
under sail
under scrutiny
under seal
under separate cover
under someone’s thumb
under someone's spell
under someone's thumb
under someone's wing
under the aegis of
under the affluence of incohol
under the auspices of
under the banner of
under the carpet
under the circumstances
under the cosh
under the counter
under the covers
under the gun
under the hammer
under the impression
under the influence
under the knife
under the microscope
under the pump
under the rose
under the rug
under the skin
under the spell of (someone)
under the sun
under the table
under the weather
under the wind
under the wing of
under the wire
under the yoke
under the yolk
under thumb
under water
under way
under wing
under wraps
water over the dam
water under the bridge
work under
writhe under
Common Names:
Eastern African, Ganda
Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Slovene
JAHS-lin, JAHS-ə-lin
English (Rare)
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